Back to School!
So after a NOT LONG ENOUGH vacation MOST of the world is going back to school tomorrow! I have been back to school since Thursday. One of the BEST things I've done to ease back into the new year is having my students do LOTS of writing!
As a fourth grade teacher I have been inundated with stories of what students did over their break, which can be overwhelming!!! Instead of having a million students at my desk telling me about ice skating or grandma's house, I have them write it in their journals. Then once they have gone on to the next task I can read their writing and leave comments. It's a great way to evaluate student writing for the new term AND allow them to feel that they have had the experience of fully telling you about their vacation!
You make so many great points here that I read your article a couple of times. Your views are in accordance with my own for the most part. This is great content for your readers.